T&C - Privacy Policy

Who manages personal information about customers?

Personal information offered or collected by AA darts shop AsiA
(hereafter called AA darts) is managed by our Taiwan office.

What personal information about customers does AA darts gather? And how to use it?

Personal information AA darts gathers as follows:

  • Information you give us – Membership information, Wish lists, Reviews, etc.
  • Automatic information – Customer login history, Browser data such as cookies, etc.
  • Information from other sources – Our Facebook page information,E-mail communications, etc.

We use this information to process orders, communicate with customers,
provide member services such as discount with customers, newsletters,
and improve our service quality.

Customer’s personal information will never be shared with unrelated third parties,
and we are not in the business of selling it to others,
though that information might be told to associated companies as necessary.
Provided, however, that it shall not apply when we must comply with the request of
a government agency or its equivalent issued in accordance with applicable law.

How secure is personal information?

We will strictly protect and manage your personal information
to prevent illegal access, leakage of personal information
and to keep your information accurate and current.
And we will maintain our information security management system for that purpose.

When you browse AA darts, AA darts automatically encrypts your personal information
using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL).
However, when you login AA darts using shared computer,
please log out your AA darts accountafter use that computer
to protect your password and computer from illegal access.

About using Cookies

Cookies are small text files that we transfer to your device
to enable our systems to recognize your device.
We use Cookies for your convenience
(e.g. keep your login information, display recommended items).
You can invalidate your Cookies (you can check “help” page of your web browser),
however we highly recommend you enable Cookies in your web browser for your convenience.

About revising Privacy Policy

If you have any concern about this Privacy Policy, please contact us from “Contact us” page.
Our business changes constantly, so we may change this Privacy Policy.
However, we will never change this Privacy Policy
to make them less protective of your personal information collected in the past.
You can check last updated date of this at the bottom of the page,
please check this Privacy Policy frequently to see recent changes.

Last Update: 19/09/2015

© 2015 AA darts shop AsiA. All Rights Reserved.